Friday, February 25, 2011

Dowsing Questions

Hello My friends,

I am now opening myself up to both distance reiki sessions and Dowsing for nominal fees...

my email address is, which can be used for both contacting me around arranging a session / questions and in sending me the nominal fee for such service. We can discuss the fee based on your needs. :)

Example: If you only need a couple questions asked, it's not worth having to pay $20 bucks a question in my mind, rather only a couple of bucks. ;)

I am open to negotiation, please contact me to arrange a session or have some questions asked for you. And feedback will be appreciated for any of your sessions / questions.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Updates and a Changed Woman

Well hello my friends,

It's been a long time... more than 2 years!!! Wow where has the time gone?

Well Shortly after my last post I began to get sick and a REALLLLLLY long story short, I ended up being diagnosed with Crohn's Disease January 2009. I can honestly say that it was a HUGE growing experience for me...In many mannnnny ways.

Needless to say I lost track of things and am just now trying to get back to sharing with you all..

I have acquired a new job (with the same company) in that time, and have also received my reiki 2 in that time. I have been doing reiki sessions for co-workers & friends / family (more so co-workers) and have learned how unique each experience truly is.

Also I am a member of the DHN (the Distance Healing Network) - I highly suggest googling this if you are interested in either becoming a member or for in asking for help for a friend / family member; As well as a member of the CCFC (Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of Canada). :) I figured it was a good idea to be involved with my fellow "crohnnies" and it has indeed paid off hugely having a network of people in the same but slightly different boat. :)

Also since then, I have been Married, lost a couple of dear family members, and am now expecting my first child. yay! :D Due August 30th, and I can't wait. :) Always a bright moment in the dark somewhere. :)

Right now I guess my interests are pertaining to: working with reiki, learning all I can about angels, my guides, improving my dowsing skills and fingers crossed to possibly win a lotto some day. Bahahahaha.

Will be back to chat more soon...some food for thought to check out...I recently watched the Louise Hay "How to Heal Your life" Powerful if you are willing to listen. :)

I did read the book, but it was nice to have her explain it, and then others, she is one smart, and beautiful lady. (In more ways than one) :) Be well and be back soon.

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