Thursday, May 01, 2008

Day 4 Since Attunement... :)

Ok...So I am really tired today but that is because I didn't do my session this morning like I like to do...However... what I have to mention is that I have plants at my work and I have been giving them reiki on my breaks, lunches or when I first come in and anyways, I have a spider plant that was nothing and now he is beautiful..

He was literally only a little transplant of a much larger plant, and I didn't think he'd even be able to grow any he was so small...but he is BBIG and BEAUTIFUL now. Well rather he has like 6 offshots now whereas he was only 1 before.

My next task is to Reiki a cactus we have a work (different kind) that is half dead from where we had him sitting, but I am looking forward to seeing what kind of a difference I can make on him.

Our other plant at work is HUGE. I mean he was large before, but since starting to REIKI him what a difference.
My cat loves the reiki but still keeps the sessions short but she comes back when she wants to. My fiance on the other hand would have an all day session if I could do it...

One thing is for certain...if I am going to begin giving sessions to people then I need to get a bed for it, because I did the session with my fiance just laying down on our bed and it is Wayyyyy too low for me to be doing that. (need the higher table) (DEFInITELY)

Anyways, that's all for now...just some quick observations, but I am loving it, practising often, and hope to move on to my test group soon. (You know, the volunteered friends and family who have inquired..)

Much love to all. Have a wonderful night.

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