Every once in a while people get this feeling that comes over them...I like to call it feeling fearless. You feel that nothing can stop you, nothing can bring you down, but there are always those that will try.
Well...I like to think that I feel fearless at least once a week. I wouldn't say that I feel like absolutely no one and nothing can stop me...it's more that I feel that nothing I do can stop me. I feel as if I can overcome myself and to make it to whatever goals and end results I have set for myself.
I am someone that loves to have clearly defined goals. These have to be things that are set by myself and that I have to personally strive very hard towards accomplishing...now they may only seem like something small to everyone else...but to me, if I finish these tasks, no matter how large, I am happy.
Case in point...
1. I wanted to move out of my parent's house - I am fairly independent and this just had to happen. Don't get me wrong. I love my parents very much...but I am too much like them in some ways to live with them. ;) Muahahah
2. Go to work for the government - this was really a 2 part goal as it involved selecting a schooling option, and then working my way into the government. So I chose the most likely path to get me into the chosen field and now I work for the government full time. (One of the, or possibly even the youngest FULL Time Government employee - won't last long I am sure. LoL)
3. Currently I am working on two/3 goals, but I generally never make these fully public to anyone until I have completed them, but I will say that 1 - involves my banking and plans for the future (Basically getting my finances sorted out), and 2 - involves, and as stupid as it sounds, working on some new age beliefs and activities. (not going into details here as I do not want to be considered loopy until after I have finished this second one. ;) ) and 3, perhaps writing...perhaps not...I'll never tell. :P Unless i want you to buy my book in which case I might drop a hint or two in my blog. LOL.
4. Future goals may turn into family, car, house, better job, but for right now I have put my goals onto the smaller ones mentioned above to ensure that I do not spend too much time on my goals, and not enough in assisting G with his. (I looking forward to helping him in anyway I can, although I think I may pretty much be useless, besides as someone to bounce ideas off of. LOL)
Anyways, i kind of got off on a tangent here as I think I may have mentioned this somewhere else on the blog. OOPSie. :P
O ya, Graham thinks I am crazy so I will list my own personal belief on here:
Family before friends, friends before strangers, nova scotians before the rest of Canada, Canada before other countries and I think you get the picture. ;) (That is the order in which I defend and love things - as a general rule, not always 100% applicable as I have a couple friends that I would fight with anyone even family over...:P ;) NOT MANY mind you...but a couple. ;) And the only other time the above does not apply is when someone has done something really wrong, in which case, I would probably be the first one to admit that the person was wrong and even perhaps to get really mad. :P
Okay enough weird talk for today. :P I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend, I know that I sure am. :D
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