Friday, May 30, 2008

Reiki this week...

This week has been a challenging week.

First off my cousin passed away, she will be missed, but I am glad she is no longer in pain. My thoughts are with her.
Then the next day another family member passed away from the same side of the family. It has been a difficult week for many.

I have been sending out reiki to individuals as able, and I hope that it has been helping them...but that's it exactly, all I can do is hope where I am not at home.

I had to take Tuesday off, I just couldn't make it through I was so tired from all the stuff going on with my family, plus I was on the tail end of a cold/flu thing.

So I spent Tuesday and Wednesday sleeping, and then meditating and going through 2 different guided meditations. One is a guided meditation for Reiki that I have on CD that I enjoy thoroughly each and every time that I do it, and the other is on youtube "REIKI RACHEL" has some really relaxing exercises, certainly worth looking into, as I personally enjoy these very much. I find her very soothing.

After Tuesday I have made it successfully through the week, but it has been a long and tiring week for the family. I will continue sending out reiki to those in my family that require it, and someone still requires it because it is still flowing.

God bless them all in their time of need. My thoughts are with my family.

However as a result of my Tuesday recharging day, I have made it through this week far more successfully than I would have hoped. I achieved quite a bit this week considering I was not at work Tuesday at all. And I thank my employers for their understanding of my situation. I am lucky to have bosses like them, as you know many bosses don't see the need for time off outside of "immediate family" for a death, but thankfully mine do and understand the pressures that this places on my family. I mostly needed the time off to recoup. There were phone calls constant for 2 or 3 days, and being a scorpio with a life path 2, and rising sign of cancer I tend to take on other people's troubles. Reiki has been an excellent source of helping me cope with this part of my mentality, and to help me to let go of things that are not mine to worry about. It is taking me a great deal of time to deal with letting go of other's responsibilities, but I am trying and eventually I will be where I am supposed to be.

I am currently working on divining my spirit guide's name as I had tried meditating and visual exercises, which I am continuing to do, but it is slow going, at least I am receiving calm and peace during these meditation sessions. :)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Nas Concert and Recent Developments

Hello all. So last night was the Nas concert and BOYS was it good!! WHOO!! I had a blast. ;)

On an unrelated note the reiki has been flowing fairly strongly during my recent self sessions, and other sessions. Also, I smudged my apartment the other day...and I also bought a new pendulum and am currently working on becoming familiar with it.

Not much else...too tired. Talk to you all again soon. :)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Still going

It's as I suspected. My sisters were too sensitive to receive, or where not in the right frame of mind...I am alright with that...all I can do is keep trying to do reiki. If people are not interested then they are not interested but I am going to keep is just a mentality I believe...although I am 100% that I need to be doing MUCH more meditation then I have been up to this point. I mean I am doing daily sessions on myself, plants and the pets, but working up to people is truly my goal...and the people I have done it on so far do not understand...I need to do a full session on someone...I will need to think about this...for you cannot really learn more until I begin doing full sessions...perhaps I should just continue on myself..people will ask me if they want a session correct??

Anyway, all in all I had a good weekend but did not exercise the reiki ability as I should have done, but when you are running around shopping and hanging out with family all weekend there is not a lot of time if they do not wish to have session done. :)

On a go-forward note...time to get my butt moving on this. :)

Thursday, May 08, 2008

2 weeks after attunement continued...

Hello all.

So not a lot has changed since the last post...

I have given both my fiance and my cat and all the plants at work reiki sessions and so far they are all benefiting from the experience, or at least they seem to be.

I am still experiencing frustrations that I am not in possession of a reiki makes me sad that I cannot do a full session on anyone due to my comfort. If I could blot out my discomfort then I could go through an entire session, or if someone had a high enough table that I could lay them out on that bad boy then it would be good...but right now as things stand..... I can make it through roughly a 30 minute session on people, my cat only does it for 10 - 15 minutes, but she is losing weight, looking healthier and not attacking me when she is in a playful mood she just does her running away and then running back, and jumping when I's cute and wayyyy less painful than when she was getting me before. :P YAY for is mellowing my baby out.

Also, my anger issues....? AHAHA. They are lessening...I do not feel anger anymore..sure I get worked up, but I make myself sick if I fight with people or get too upset about any one surely it is best to ignore the stupid stuff because really life is too short to fight with people about dumb stuff.

I am not even as argumentative as I was...sure I am still me :P and I'm going to let my opinion be known...but I am not going to go and freak out at someone...I can logically explain it to someone, and if they don't agree then that's fine...Hey...Maybe they are even right??? *Note to self* - doubtful that I would be wrong. Ahahha. *Just teasing, don't be getting worked up out there people. :P * (You know who you are. :P)

This weekend I am going to be getting together with my sisters and my mom to have a "girl's weekend". It should be really's to hoping. (my sisters and I tend to disagree quite a's not something i can control, but this will be the first gathering since my attunement, so i am hoping that I can just ZONE people out when I disagree, because even though I feel changed from my reiki 1, my sisters are not changed and also enjoy confrontation... *It's in our blood.* :P

Anyways, that's all I have for now...wish me luck. I am thinking of giving my sisters and mom a reiki session, or at least the ones that can handle it. :P My sister is VERY sensitive to the energy. :)

Monday, May 05, 2008

The 2nd week following the attunement...

Okay so arguing over things is no longer something that I can keep up for any amount of time. I used to argue a lot...however this is definitely something that I no longer have any interest in. I am more than willing to discuss something with someone, or talk things out, but I no longer have that nervous tension so backed up that when I argue with someone I snap and it becomes escalated. I can't do that anymore and I am really glad also that I can't.

I do not like arguing with people and in my family not that we argue a lot...we are actually doing alright at the moment, but I no longer feel the need to correct "ignorance" issues. I mean I do, but I state my point of view, that's it and then if the other person does not care to listen then that is absolutely their choice and I have no desire to force my opinion on anyone else...

If you know me personally at all, you will know that I used to be down to argue about anything. I was not understanding other people's reasons for not understanding my point of view and I consider that more when I am talking about any topics, but especially sensitive topics with peers or anyone.

I have to say that I am feeling more proud of myself now... I do not feel as self concious as I used to, I still have a great deal of nervous tension, but I am hoping that as time progresses I will have this with me less and less. *That is my hope anyway.*

My cat practically begged for a session this weekend. :P She crawled all over me, and I knew what she was looking for, so we cuddled up in our chair and away I went. I think my cat and I need to come to an understanding though that she does not HAVE to maul and kiss mommy all the time while we have the session. :P She can just relax and enjoy it, which she does, but she begins by mauling and that is not necessary. I know she enjoys it and appreciates it. So far she has been my most successful recipient by far, but at the same time I am not able to practise as long because it hurts me to lean over someone.

I WOULD LOVE to get myself a reiki bed. Just a plain one for a nice relaxing session. This is definitely not something that is going to be soon in my path as I have other things that I am needing, but most definitely will be looking into this...OH and if someone needs to get rid of theirs they could always let me know. (If you are moving or something like that...)

My teacher says if you put out the good intention that there will be some sort of positive return from that, so even if you know where I can get a nice bed within the HRM area for cheap...???

Thank you all for listening to my ramblings. Much Love. ;)

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Day 4 Since Attunement... :)

Ok...So I am really tired today but that is because I didn't do my session this morning like I like to do...However... what I have to mention is that I have plants at my work and I have been giving them reiki on my breaks, lunches or when I first come in and anyways, I have a spider plant that was nothing and now he is beautiful..

He was literally only a little transplant of a much larger plant, and I didn't think he'd even be able to grow any he was so small...but he is BBIG and BEAUTIFUL now. Well rather he has like 6 offshots now whereas he was only 1 before.

My next task is to Reiki a cactus we have a work (different kind) that is half dead from where we had him sitting, but I am looking forward to seeing what kind of a difference I can make on him.

Our other plant at work is HUGE. I mean he was large before, but since starting to REIKI him what a difference.
My cat loves the reiki but still keeps the sessions short but she comes back when she wants to. My fiance on the other hand would have an all day session if I could do it...

One thing is for certain...if I am going to begin giving sessions to people then I need to get a bed for it, because I did the session with my fiance just laying down on our bed and it is Wayyyyy too low for me to be doing that. (need the higher table) (DEFInITELY)

Anyways, that's all for now...just some quick observations, but I am loving it, practising often, and hope to move on to my test group soon. (You know, the volunteered friends and family who have inquired..)

Much love to all. Have a wonderful night.
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