Well...hello all. I've just encountered a let down of sorts. I did not get the job that I had applied for...the kicker of it is...I lost to someone with wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more experience than myself in that particular job as that person is the top in that field and is retiring within a year or two...it just boggles my mind that everytime I lose a job competition, it's that I was one away from getting it, but someone wayyyyyyyyy more skilled than me WHOOOPED My BUTT in the interview...I can't even be cranky about that. LOL. That's the part that gets me..I am not losing in incapable or silly people, but to veryyy knowledgeable and informative and on top of their game people.
I can't even imagine how cranky I would be right now if someone worse than me had gotten the position, and we all have been in that situation at one time or another...well it has only happened once to me that someone less capable got the job and it is my plan in life that this should never happen again. I mean it's bad enough that someone that's good beat me, but someone that isn't would make me lose my mind. :P
In terms of Reiki the sessions have been going well. I try to incorporate some level of reiki into my life everyday. Either a quick self session during my lunch break, or soothing away the headaches when you hear you have been passed over for a job by someone more qualified....ya know. :P That sorta thing.
I am planning on doing a self session today as I believe that I am getting sick. I hate getting sick...and I am a big baby when it happens so if i get stuck at home sick expect a couple of posts on here for the same day. ;)
So *sigh* I did not get that position, and I wish I had of, but there are a couple more positions to be posted yet so just hold your breath and maybe in another month or so I will be here saying YAY about another job...:P Meh...We will see. ;)
Anyways I guess this is it...I wish I could go and take my reiki level 2 on the 22nd of this month, but I just can't swing the money right now for it...reiki will be available to you when it is time to take level 2...that's all I get when I meditate on it...the money will come when it's time...hmmm...A good theory but that's just a way to say when you work your butt off for a pay raise you won't get it...Giggle...no that's my bitterness talking. :P
I absolutely believe when I am ready then the opportunity will be there...obviously I am not ready yet.
Much love to all.