(Boston - Look familiar anyone?)
I have to say that this was an extremely enjoyable trip! We drove down to North Conway in New Hampshire and stayed at the Saco River Camp Ground. This was possibly one of the best campground's that I have ever stayed at, PERIOD.
Bugs were hardly anywhere to be seen and certainly not any where near enough to even be an annoyance, and I mean that's saying something because I never wore bug spray during the entire trip.
The river was perfect for me and the canoe! I loved it. I mean I could have stood for a little more deep places for going down the river, but near our lot you could walk to one really deep swimming hole. Which was just gorgeous!
All the time I spent down there involved a great deal of shopping. *Ooops* In that shopping though I was able to purchase my boyfriend and I, a new camera. Whoot! I also happened to look up the price difference and while in Canada the camera is roughly 300, in the states it was 198 - We were there when the Canadian Dollar was at 94.5 Cents. Yay for Us.
We went up the Cog Railroad up the side of Mt. Washington as well. That was interesting! What a long ways up it is. Beautiful the whole way up, (About $55 bucks for an adult), but once you get to the top it is so cloudy (Makes sense as you are in the clouds at the top).
I personally think it makes a lot of sense that so many people have died up there, and not just in building the rail way, but also everyone else. (If you were to take a wrong step up there, or head out and then it fogs over the mountain - Hikers, or anyone else could very easily get lost. I mean a compass can help, but if you can't see your next step, well then it isn't exactly really helpful.)
Oooh also, Lindt chocolates!! Yay for chocolate first off. But in the states they sell Peanut Butter Lindt Chocolates. Come on...what are we poor cousins? Canadians like Peanut Butter too!! Send some our way. I have never seen a peanut butter lindt in Canada. I may be mistaken and they may sell them elsewhere, but they have not been anywhere I was looking for them. Only the red, blue and white ones mostly. Meh. Needless to say that we purchased a fairly large bag containing all sorts of Peanut Butter Lindt Chocolates! YAY!!
I think that in general everyone had a really great time. I know that I did. I predict a Canoe Trip in My and Graham's Future, but we shall see.
Until Next time. Toodles!!
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