Thursday, August 02, 2007

Sleep and The Ways It Has Eluded Me

3 Hours of sleep a night is just not enough. I could of course hope that maybe tonight...just maybe...that this will be the night that sleep takes me. However based upon the last week and the luck I have had with it...then odds are not in my favor.

Why are there some nights where the sandman just does not seem to visit? By the time your eyes open for the day, you have already lain in bed for hours staring at the clock and just hoping, and wishing that it is just an awful dream where when you wake, you will feel rested and rejuvenated...but alas... Your eyes open to yet another real day, you have lain awake since three...and nothing will change the fact that you have to be at work in an hour.

Insomnia you say? I don't think so. I am more drawn to the idea that my sub-conscious is trying to tell myself something...what though?
Perhaps when you dream of nothing but tense situations at work, then wake to stare at the clock...that maybe, just maybe and correct me if I seem wrong here...that maybe I am having issues at work? However I do not believe this to be the case. Work is busy...but work is still work, and I am a firm believer of letting it go in one big rush of words when I arrive home, and then to not think about it for the rest of the night or at least until I start to dream.

Pray dear readers that the exercise, big meal and a hot bubble bath will be enough to remedy the situation in which I find myself, and that finally, I may sleep for something longer than 3 hours. Uninterrupted by the cat, screaming drunks early in the morning returning from the bars, or from whatever other interesting, intriguing or frustrating thing may come to be heard.

Either way, we must all be glad in the fact that tomorrow is Friday. Friday ahhh...the day that precedes the weekend. Oh what a magical day it is. Any worries you may have always seem to be so much smaller on this day, as you sit and say...It's okay...It's Friday and I have all weekend to relax. NOT to mention the fact that for the Halifax and Dartmouth areas that Monday is a Holiday. Yay for Natal Day.

Until tomorrow, I wish all of you a wonderful satisfying sleep. One even perhaps where you wake up refreshed, and bound out of bed only after you have stretched and smiled to yourself about a million times. Oh yes. I am wishing for a magical sleep.

Take care my beautiful dreamers...

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